I suppose that when visiting memorial pages, eventually you're going to recognize some names.
Thank you JOHN YOUNG vets for allowing my membership with your site. As a person who does not use facebook, this site serves as one of the very few, if not only portals to communicate with the former crew. Again, thank you for that.
I did not sail on the USS JOHN YOUNG DD-973. But I did sail with some of her crew. Sadly, one of them is listed on the John Young memorial page. Plankowner GSMC Gary Weaver. I knew him as, Master Chief. Of course I have some stories (like when I nearly ran over him in my car in Toledo, Ohio years after I was discharged from the Navy, and many others). However, I'll do my best to keep this post short (yes, I realize it's a bit late for that now).
Rest In Peace Master Chief Weaver. We have the watch.
I wouldn't be surprised to learn that I had sailed/served with other JOHN YOUNG sailors. However, for now it's just GSCM(SW) Weaver and the very last person who "tacked" on my ESWS pin, SMC(SW)Agor. Chief Agor was an SM1 when he was on the John Young. It was the USS INGERSOLL DD-990 where I would serve with these two. During the transit home from the Persian Gulf in June 1992 we were involved in a little scrape with an oiler. During repairs the crew posed for a picture under the ship while in Sembawang Shipyard in Singapore. Here you can see GSCM(SW) Gary Weaver and SMC(SW) Agor standing with each other in the back.
It was fun to see these 2 salts standing beside each other in the picture underneath the USS INGERSOLL DD-990 after discovering that they both had served on the USS JOHN YOUNG DD-973.
Thank you again for allowing me to share.
Fair winds shipmates.
Tom S. EN2(SW)/GSM2(SW)
90-98 on 989/990
Such a great contribution to our site and memories of our shipmate. Thank You and Welcome Aboard!